Sunday, May 6, 2007

After 6 years, I've decided to restart

Beginning in the mid-1990's, each work day I emailed a few friends a passage from the Bible and included a few questions intended to help them either gain a deeper understanding or challenge them apply it to their lives. At the end of 2000, the few friends had grown substantially. For a variety of reasons, including email list management, I decided to stop sending out God's Message.

Recently I have felt an urging to restart. Part of my "day job" is to look at collaboration and knowledge management. I think this venue of blogging will be much better than the "old-fashion" email list. Now you will have an opportunity to share your insight and experience as well as learn from others. I'm learning how this medium works so there will likely be changes in how I do this over time. Please be is a fruit of the Spirit, you know.

I plan to revisit some of the old topics from before as well as add new topics and studies over time. I expect that some days there will be more commenting on my part than questions. I pray that these musings will be helpful to you and your walk in Christ.


Carlin said...

Glad to see it return. I've subscribed.

Janay said...

Thanks so much! This is extra special now that we don't get to hear your wisdom as regularly as we did when we were at Philo Rd!