Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Sound of Fools

Eccles. 7:5-7

5 It is better for a man to hear the rebuke of the wise
than to hear the song of fools.
6 For as the crackling of thorns under a pot,
so is the laughter of the fools;
this also is vanity.
7 Surely oppression drives the wise into madness,
and a bribe corrupts the heart.
  • When recently have you thought about wanting a carefree life?
    - When recently have the pressures of daily life pushed you into making unwise decisions?
  • When have you been rebuked for some unwise or even ungodly behavior or attitude?
    - How well did you receive the rebuke?
    - When have you received rebukes and responded wisely?
    - When have you received rebukes and responded foolishly?
    - What made the difference between the two?
  • How long do twigs or small limbs burn?
    - Why would you not want to use twigs or small limbs as your primary source of fuel?
    - Why does Solomon compare this type of fuel with the pleasure/laughter of fools?
    - Why would you want to choose the laughter of fools?
  • What is the risk of unending/unyielding pressure?
    - Who have you known that has "broken" under the oppression of life?
    - In what ways might a wise man "go mad"?
    - How might the pressure of money cause a form of madness?
    - Who or what do you turn to for comfort from life's oppression?
Harold's Musings:
In the computer world, there is a saying, "The nice thing about standards; there are so many to choose from." In life, the nice thing about experts is that there are so many to choose from. The shelves of the bookstores have a wide selection of experts to choose from. If you do not like what is there today, wait a few weeks and look again. Christian booksellers have found that people want an expert to tell them what to do. Authors have found ways to scratch that itch. Be careful that you are not trying to cook a meal over a pile of twigs.

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